Contour Feather Knife Travels to the Amazon
Outdoor ElementPeter Magnin, whom I met not long ago at Camp Fire Co-Op, recently returned from an expedition to the Amazon where he visited the Matis people and sent me some great images and wonderful news.
The Matis fell in love with our Contour Feather Adventure & Survival Knife!

Peter Magnin pictured with some of the Matis in the Amazon jungle (Photo courtesy of Peter Magnin)
I must confess, I knew nothing of this group of people. So I looked them up. According to Wikipedia, the Matis are a small group of indigenous people with a total population of roughly 340, living in the far west Amazon jungle of Brazil.They are masters of the jungle in hunting, fishing, foraging and agriculture.
Peter took his Contour Feather Knife with him to use on the trip through the Amazon; however, the Matis loved it so much, they kept it!
Peter posted on instagram @petermagninsurvival:
"Sometimes you get a chance to bring something unique down to the jungle and put it through the ringer.
"In this case @outdoor.element ‘s contour feather knife took a trip with @joe_flowers_bushcraft_global and I to the Amazon jungle and was soon passed around to the Matis which they loved.
"Super crazy design that is worth checking out, especially if you're a light weight backpacker or building a survival kit.
"In the end, the knife stayed in the jungle and went home with the Matis. I think the big thing for them was the sharpener built into the sheath so they could quickly touch up the blade as they continue to process arrows for fishing and darts for poison blow darts."

Matis man using Contour Feather to make the tip of dart extra sharp (Photo courtesy of Peter Magnin)
Peter shared with us in an email, "So the Matis actually really REALLY loved this knife and I got to use it a bit the first day or two and then I let them use it and they asked to use it for the next day and pretty much never saw it again."

Matis man working using Contour Feather for fine work on darts (Photo by Peter Magnin)
Peter continues, "In the end they gave me one of their necklaces as a trade for the knife."
He then asked for my address to ship the necklace to me! He's awesome!

Contour Feather traded for a necklace made by the Matis (Photo courtesy of Peter Magnin)
Solid trade! The bone and bead necklace looks amazing!
(We shipped Peter another Contour Feather so he won't be empty handed on his next adventure to the Amazon or wherever he heads out to explore next!)
So glad the Matis enjoy using Contour Feather! (I mean, I think he's happy? 😊 Either way, he looks great sporting his new neck knife!)

Wherever you're headed, get out and Explore with Confidence!
Leave a comment. Tell us what adventure will you take your OE gear on next?