Code of Conduct

Outdoor Element Code of Conduct


Outdoor Element and its affiliates (“OE”) shall do the right thing – follow the law, act with integrity and honor, and treat others with courtesy and respect. We expect all associates and suppliers to know and follow this Code of Conduct (“Code”).

OE shall provide decent and humane working conditions for our associates. We strive to conduct business in an ethical and transparent manner, maintaining the highest ethical standards. We use our Code to define the standards that make OE a place where people want to work and a company with whom others want to do business. Our standards are based on International Labor Organization standards and internationally accepted good labor practices.

Companies doing business with OE are expected to comply with all relevant and applicable laws and regulations of the area in which workers are employed and to implement the Code in their respective facilities. If there are discrepancies between this Code, the individual department or organization’s code of conduct, or standards acceptable to the local workplace, the highest standard should prevail and be enforced.

OE will monitor compliance to the Code internally and at companies with whom we maintain a business relationship. We expect ourselves and affiliated companies to make improvements when Code standards are not met, and to develop sustainable processes to ensure continued compliance.

OE strives to be a model of collaboration, accountability, and transparency and encourages continuous improvement in workplace conditions. We strive to implement best practices for respectful and ethical treatment of workers who can earn fair wages in safe and healthy workplaces.


Employment Relationship

OE shall maintain rules and conditions of employment that respect workers and, at a minimum, safeguard their rights under national and international labor and social security laws and regulations. Associates should avoid conflicts of interest, where their actions create an incentive for them, or appear to others to create and incentive for them, to benefit themselves, their friends or family, or an associated business, at the expense of OE.



Associates will be considered for positions based on their qualifications and abilities. No associate shall be subject to any discrimination in employment, including hiring, compensation, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, social group or ethnic origin.


Harassment or Abuse

Each associate shall be treated with respect and dignity. No associate shall be subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.



OE shall not use forced labor, including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor or other forms of forced labor. No person shall be employed under the age of 15, or under the age for completion of compulsory education, whichever is higher, and according the laws and exceptions stated by their government.


Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery

OE takes a strong stance against bribery consistent with anti-bribery laws that exist in many countries. Bribes, kickbacks, illegal payments, and any other offer of items of value that may cause conflicts of interest are strictly prohibited.


Freedom of Association, Collective Bargaining and Non-Retaliation

OE recognizes and respects the legal rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining of their respective associates. OE shall not retaliate against any associate who reports, or participates in an investigation of, a possible violation of our Code, policies, or the law.


Health, Safety and Environment

OE shall provide a safe and healthy workplace in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The same standards shall apply to residential facilities, where offered. OE shall comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations and adopt responsible measures to mitigate negative impacts on human health and the environment. OE shall seek ways to improve the social well-being of associates and their families in the local community, either directly or through strategic partnerships.


Hours of Work

OE shall not require working time to exceed 60 hours per week on a regularly scheduled basis (except under exceptional unforeseen circumstances) and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Where overtime is requested, associates must be compensated appropriately according to law, and such overtime must be consensual. Associates will be entitled to at least 24 consecutive hours off for every seven-day period worked.



OE shall meet all legal requirements or local industry standards, whichever are higher, for wages and benefits in the area in which they are conducting business.



OE agrees to provide open and forthright communication regarding business practices with respect to employment.